MiXscience offers its new Lumigard Most solution to contribute to the de-medication of livestock and the development of antibiotic-free livestock.
Lumigard Most is the fruit of the combined know-how of Oléon, specialists in oleochemical products, and MiXscience, experts in animal nutrition. It is a specific combination of short- and medium-chain fatty acid esters, selected for their complementary modes of action, to target a broad spectrum of pathogenic bacteria.
Lumigard Most helps limit colonization by known poultry pathogens (C. perfringens, E. cecorum, E. coli, C. jejuni, S. Typhimurium) and contributes to the balance of the microbiota, all while tending to improve the zootechnical performance of animals (from -0.02 to -0.04 pt of CI in poultry).
The VSTAR technology developed by MiXscience, from which Lumigard Most benefits, guarantees easy and safe use of the product in feed mills.