Sommet de l'Elevage 2024

Défi’Flor - Fermented Supplementary Feed - Intestinal Flora Balance


Fermented Supplementary Feed (kefir) for animals (young ruminants: calves, kids, and lambs; pigs; poultry; rabbits; horses; dogs, etc.). Balances the intestinal flora. Suitable for Organic Farming. Reduces the risk of digestive disorders (preventive solution) by acting on the intestinal flora, creating a barrier effect. It helps to strengthen the animal’s immunity, making it more resistant to diseases. It contains probiotics, prebiotics (unprocessed foods), and postbiotics (substances derived from bacterial metabolism). Its production involves around twenty strains of bacteria and yeasts, cultured together. The preventive and comprehensive approach to neonatal diseases involves the simultaneous use of Défi’Flor and Défi’Mix. Discover the Défi'Flor product range on our website: 2018 Sommet d’Or (Innovation Award) Made in France

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