Agrivoltaics: agricultural land portage to support generational renewal in agriculture
Oct 3, 2024 — 01:00 pm - 1:45 PM
Let's put land at the service of tomorrow's agriculture and energy transition.
Terravene's model is based on a synergy: agrivoltaics becomes a land broker, providing the foundation for sustainable, humane agriculture.
Terravene acquires farms to perpetuate agricultural activity. We offer farmers a long-term, no-cost landholding, financed by an agrivoltaic park on part of the land.
These conditions enable young farmers to set up in business with peace of mind, and to acquire property at their own pace.
An innovative model with a proven track record:
4 properties awarded to Terravene by the Safer: Focus on the Corbaillerie project in the Cher department.
25 transfer projects under active consideration