French Agroecological, Sustainable, and Multi-Performant Livestock Farming – Evidence through the FAO’s TAPE Tool
Oct 2, 2024 — 12:00 pm - 1:00 PM
Hall d'accueil - Espace rencontre
The TAPE method, developed by the FAO, is a tool for evaluating the agroecological performance of farms. At the request of the Confédération Nationale de l'Élevage, the Institut de l'Élevage applied this method to a significant sample of 160 ruminant breeders. Their analysis demonstrates the high level of multi-performance and contribution to sustainable development of French ruminant livestock farming.
To promote this and improve the image of livestock farming in society, the CNE has also launched a series of communication campaigns targeting the general public through various media channels.
Stakeholders : CNE, IDELE