Sommet de l'Elevage 2024

AP3C – What adaptations can be made to promote the resilience of the Massif central territories in the face of climate change ?

Oct 2, 202408:00 am - 10:00 AM

Centre de conférence - Salle 1 B-C


The Massif Central territory is subject to numerous climatic hazards and agricultural operations are increasingly confronted with intense phenomena which disrupt production cycles. Faced with the consequences of climate change, SIDAM and 11 chambers of agriculture in the Massif Central have developed work since 2015 allowing them to adapt: AP3C: Adaptation of Cultural Practices to Climate Change. Thus, the projections obtained on the climatic aspect but also on agro-climatic indicators make it possible to consider practices aimed at the resilience of farms. What are these recommendations that can be implemented in relation to the developments envisaged in the territories? How can we act to promote the resilience of agriculture in the Massif Central region?

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