PREMEL 35 BKP is an essential nutritional solution for preventing respiratory troubles for cattle and contributing to respiratory comfort. Not only does it support respiratory defenses, but it also contributes to improving digestive balance, which is often disrupted in cases of challenges. PREMEL 35 BKP is particularly indicated in cases of allotments or animal transport/trade/transit. In this context, it is necessary to support this risky period by administering PREMEL 35 BKP.
The main compound of PREMEL 35 BKP is magnesium. Brought in several forms, it helps to reduce the effects of environmental changes. The proportion of clay and ferments contained in some samples of PREMEL 35 BKP ensures a good digestive transit. PREMEL 35 BKP contains vitamins (C, A, D3, E, K3 ...) as well as copper, zinc and manganese; these are essential nutrients at several physiological stages. Plants such as pine, pulmonary, eucalyptus and thyme synergize with these ingredients to support the natural defense processes and particularly that of mucociliary cleansing.
PREMEL 35 BKP is available in a form that complies with the specifications of organic farming.