Sommet de l'Elevage 2024

PATURA Safety Box Maxi


One box for a lot of power - the new PATURA Safety Box XL! With the PATURA Safety Boxes, the electric fence, battery and solar cell can be effectively protected against theft. A door contact switch ensures that as soon as the door is closed, the whole box including the frame of the solar panel is energised. Only the operator can open the box again with the insulated key and thus interrupt the contact. Thanks to its large internal dimensions, the Safety Box XL can also accommodate electric fencing equipment with output energies of up to 15 joules as well as batteries with up to 200 Ah. An integrated charge controller ensures careful and effective charging and thus a long battery life. A special sleeve insulates the box from the ground, and the stabilising foot gives the box optimum support even in strong winds or different ground conditions. PATURA recommends the Safety Box XL wherever particularly long fences or herd protection fences are used.

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