The ALTA system, available on the Pichon SV range of liquid spreaders, optimizes the use of organic fertilizer on hilly or mountainous terrain. It features a front emptying circuit for downhill emptying and a rear emptying circuit for uphill emptying.
Two hydraulic valves are submerged and installed on the tank's internal piping. The integrated inclinometer on the tank, which reads the slope in real time, enables the front or rear discharge valve to be selected automatically from the iControl 7S control terminal, without the need for driver intervention.
The aim and benefit of this innovation is to reduce the driver's mental workload and make it easier to steer in emptying mode.
The ALTA device is compatible with the upper discharge circuit, which in turn is associated with the DPA and the discharge gas pedal. It prevents the emptying system from becoming unstuck, and guarantees even, homogeneous spreading.