Sepogant Direkt removes substrate from the digester or post-digester in order to return it right after separation together with the thickened phase and the not yet fully fermented fibrous materials. This feeds the material that is not yet fully fermented (fibre > 0.5 mm) back into the digester/post-digester and gives it time to ferment further – because different feedstocks take different lengths of time to ferment.
Thanks to Sepogant Direkt, you can do without collecting the solid phase and regularly refeeding it via the feeding technology, as is already successfully implemented in practice. This has the advantage of no additional emissions that occur outside, as the Sepogant Direkt technology is a closed system. It also saves working time, and there is no need for transport between the place where the separated solid material is located and the fermentation container (e.g., digester). This results in further emission and cost savings that would be caused by transport or intermediate storage.
Sepogant Direkt can also be used with difficult input material that causes problems during the fermentation process, such as the accumulation of a large amount of long-fibre material.