Sommet de l'Elevage 2024

VAPOGANT Digestate evaporation


The Vapogant digestate evaporator treats the digestate of the biogas plant to produce a usable, concentrated fertiliser with reduced water content. We remove most of the water from the digestate through vacuum evaporation using waste heat from the CHPS. At the same time, volatile nitrogen is bound so that any emissions during spreading will be minimised, making the nitrogen available as ammonium sulphate solution (ASS). The goal is to use the available waste heat to thicken or enhance 100 % of the digestate produced in the biogas plant. This is achieved with a very high evaporation rate of 2.5 litres per kilowatt of thermal output. At 500 kW plant capacity, this is equivalent to a volume reduction of about 10,000 m³ per year. The plant is available in a module size of 400 kW or 500 kW.

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