Sommet de l'Elevage 2024



CABI Origin, CABI Group’s professional portable chicken coop, is a practical and suitable solution for outdoor poultry farming (laying hens, broilers, ducks, etc.). It is custom-made to meet the specific needs of each farmer and their livestock. Dimensions, shape, capacity and amenities can be customized to meet the requirements of each project. CABI Origin offers many practical and economic benefits. It reduces the cost of building and maintaining a fixed henhouse, while optimizing pasture management. Easy and regular movement allows poultry to benefit from new grazing areas, improving their well-being. CABI Origin helps to reduce the environmental impact of poultry farming by limiting waste concentration, avoiding resource over-consumption and enabling soil regeneration. CABI Origin is manufactured in France at our factory in Valence d’Albigeois, where we take particular care with the finish and test the rigidity of the whole unit.


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